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Juniper Hill School for Place-Based Education connects children to themselves, to each other, and to their communities through studying both the natural and human environments. We utilize an integrated academic and social curriculum that immerses children in their educational context in a deeply experiential way. We strive to develop curious, creative, kind children who are becoming masters of their own learning and who actively engage to improve the world that surrounds them.

Reading in the yurts

Learning the alphabet in an outdoor classroom

Juniper Hill School Values

In order to know each child, there must exist a close relationship between families and Juniper Hill School. The curriculum is enriched by the expertise and varied experiences of students’ family members.

The concept of community is integral to Place-Based Education. Community starts with home and school and expands in ever widening circles as students become aware of their roles in their towns, their state, their country, and the world.

Juniper Hill School allows time for children to grow and learn at their own pace through exploration, opportunity, support and guidance.

An integrated curriculum supports academic rigor.  Our expectations are high of each student. We create assessments for project work and determine readiness for class level placements. 

In striving to create a culture of emotional intelligence, each child’s unique experiences, feelings, and needs are valued and validated.